Sunday, July 1, 2007

China Travel Meeting at Barker Foundation

On Friday, we had a travel meeting at Barker with the Sullivans and the Heverins as well as Etu (R's mom). The purpose of the trip was to go over what we need to bring and also go over the expected itinerary. We still won't be able to get the exact itinerary until we get our travel date (espected some time in mid-July). If you want to get a good description of the travel meeting, check out what Jim Heverin wrote on his blog (which is still by far the best blow-by-blow account of the adoption waiting process that I have seen). Here's the link:

After the meeting, we all went out to dinner in Bethesda. As I have said in past blog postings, we are really lucky that we all get along so well and have become really close friends. It is going to make the China trip that much better.

I have posted a few pics of us, Etu, and the Sullivans as we are going into Barker for the travel meeting plus one of Tina (the head of International adoption at Barker) and Emily (the international adoption coordinator).


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