Sunday, July 29, 2007

T Minus One Day

Only one day until we leave for China! We're feeling ready, although we keep saying, "how can we be so tired when we haven't even started the trip yet!?". Last night, I was totally dragging and had that fighting-a-cold feeling. I was thinking "feets don't fail me now! - I need another gear." But this morning, I'm feeling human again, so my hope is that this is like sports where you are sometimes tired heading into the big game and then the adrenaline kicks in. We don't have a ton of stuff to do today: R is going to get some tank tops because it has been so hot in China and she wants to stay cool. I just need to put all my stuff in the suitcase and go through the last items on my to-do list. We also have it sort through the huge pile of baby stuff and decide what we need to bring (what IS all this stuff?).

Last night we had an awesome dinner at our house with the adoption travel group -- Jim and Debbie Heverin; Scott and Elaine Sullivan and their daughter Kiran; and Etu and Eugenio (R's parents). I have posted a few photos -- including a really nice one of all of the girls in Jennifer Rose's room.
Jim and I immediately got into the computer geek stuff (I showed him the laptop I'm bringing to China and also the mini camcorder. He had his pile of tecky do-dads). Scott is also bringing a laptop and camcorder so we'll be pretty set as far as documenting the trip. After dinner, we all walked up to the pool and we hung out and relaxed while Kiran splashed around in the pool like a little seal. It was just such a nice, relaxing evening. Hopefully, the next time we're all at the pool it will be with the little ones! Ok - ready to sign off and begin the last push to complete the packing. I'm not planning on logging on tomorrow so the next post will be from China.


Julie & Lisa said...

Bon Voyage! We are so excited for you and will be checking in daily for updates and, more importantly, pictures!! We can't wait to meet Jennifer Rose when you all get back and settled into life as a new family :)
Love, Lisa, Dan, Alex & Ari

Anonymous said...

It seems two very long years ago when we met at the Barker parenting class and now it's finally happening. Now you'll finally be able to put to use the essential skills we learned in those classes, like how to diaper a 3.5 foot plastic baby.

We are both so very thrilled that your wait is finally coming to an end. Despite all the empathy and concern that our loved ones feel for us waiting adoptive parents as we travel from one inner circle of hell to another, I sometimes think it's only those who have walked this path before us who truely understand the emotional and spirtual climax of bringing our long awaited child home.

We'll be thinking of you.

Alex and Tim

Zev Cywan said...

Have a safe and wonderful trip. We know that you have waited a long time for this moment, but Jennifer Rose will be the joy that makes it forever worthwhile. We wish we could be with you upon your return, but the distance will not allow for it; hopefully we shall be able to visit you soon.

Love, Zev and Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Love the blog!!! Travel safely and let me know if you forgot to get something done before you leave. I am happy to help with last minute errands while you are gone.

Hugs....Danielle Germain

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip! I was just over with Etu and Eugenio (love those names!) and left them a little something for Jennifer Rose. It will be nice for the plane ride home if the air conditioning is strong!

I'll be checking the blog to get updates. I leave August 9 for Europe and return August 27 so will look forward to meeting Jennifer Rose as soon as I can! I don't think I ever told you that Joshua would have been Jennifer...



shnewt said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you joseph and rachael as you travel to china to pick up jennifer rose. i can't imagine just how excited you are right now. i hope you are able to sleep tonight and if you are feeling under the weather...pack vitamin C and take it. it will help to keep those bugs at bay, especially amidst all this excitement. best wishes on your really incredible journey.
susan newton-rhodes
chestertown, md

Anonymous said...

Rachel and Joseph -- Reading your blog is almost like going again. Reading it brings back all the anticipation, excitement, nerves, and love that got us on the plane and kept us going though jet lag and the first (fumbling and tired) days of parenthood. We wish you the trip of a lifetime. Leslie and Bill (and Lacy, who wants you to know that she doesn't hold those first days against us)

Anonymous said...

Good luck and safe trip to you all!!

Love, Lee

Holly and Michael said...

We wish you all the best on your travels. We can only imagine how excited you must be to finally meet Jennifer. Your happiness is a real boost to us b/c it is wonderful to see another adoptive couple have their dream come true. We cannot wait to meet Jennifer when you return. Love, Holly & Michael

Anonymous said...

I have goosebumps as I read your blog! Thank you for taking the time during your extremely chaotic schedule to share your experiences, thoughts, and feelings to all of us who love you and think about you. Have a safe and wonderful trip. We can't wait to read more as your journey continues and we especially look forward to seeing you holding beautiful little Jennifer Rose!!!

All our love,

Andrea & Kenny

Anonymous said...

Hello Rachel and Joseph!
We're thinking of you and wishing you very smooth travels. I've really enjoyed being able to keep up with everything through your blog - thanks for it!

We're so happy for all three of you, what joy! ;-)

Moira & Erich