Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Very Special Package

On Friday night, R and I got home from the Barker China travel meeting and there was a package waiting for us. We opened the box up and inside was such an incredibly touching and special surprise. It was a letter, two beautiful fabric samples, and a wrapped gift from the Herskowitz family (Marion, Allen, and Ilissa).

We had chosen the name "Jennifer Rose" for our little one in part to honor and celebrate the life of Rachel's very close friend from NY -- Jennifer Loren Herskowitz. So we were so touched to open up the package from them and find the following letter:

Dearest Rachel and Joseph,

We've enclosed two fabrics for the quilt, one from us and one from Ilissa. Actually, she picked the Asian lanterns and then the decorator at the store told us he had recently done a nursery in that pattern for a family that had also adopted a Chinese baby girl. What a coincidence!!! He suggested that we send you a large piece so that you could center the pattern and if you needed some extra fabric you could use some of this material.

We are also enclosing a cuddly little dog for Jennifer Rose from Jennifer Loren.

We hope you will understand when we explain that Ilissa and Jenn were on a trip to Vermont and visited the factory where these are made. She loved the dogs so much that she bought a few as future baby gifts for some of her close friends. This is the last one that she was holding to welcome the next new baby. Therefore, we thought it would be very appropriate to send this little gift to Jennifer Rose as our Jenn cared so much for you and Joseph and would have been so happy for you.

Again, mazel tov and lots of love,

Marion, Allen and Ilissa

We were so moved by this letter. We immediately called Marion and talked on the phone for over an hour. What a special way to conclude the week -- especially after coming back from the Barker China travel meeting. I have enclosed a photo of the little dog. Also, when I went into the baby room this morning, I noticed that R had set up the dog on the changing table with two other stuffed animals that Jennifer Rose had received as gifts so I took a photo of that as well.

Between the China travel meeting and this wonderful package from Marion, Allen and Ilissa Herskowitz, I think I have finally allowed myself to realize that this adoption is really going to happen. Friday night, I had my first dream about Jennifer Rose. Although my memory of the dream is a bit fuzzy, I can recall from the dream that R and I were playing in the back yard with Jennifer Rose and we were all happy. What an incredible few days. The adoption process is truly an amazing experience and this one is unfolding in a really special way.


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