Sunday, July 1, 2007

Spreading the News

A few people have asked: so what have you guys been up to since you got the referral? I was going through a bunch of photos I took over the last few weeks and I came up with a few that pretty much tell the story: R on the phone telling her friends/family the great news about the referral. Notice photo of Little Miss Firschein sitting next to the computer! I love these pics because they capture the good mood we have been in.

Besides being on the phone or sharing the good news in person, we have done a few other things, including:

1) getting baby furnature delivered
2) cleaning out junk room(s) to get ready to get baby furnature delivered
3) converting junk room #2 into usable space for a guest room and office and getting sofabed delivered
4) going to Great Beginnings (massive baby store) and registering for a few car seats and other baby-related dudads.
5) sending baby gifts to Baby Jennifer Rose and to the caregivers at the orphanage via the Blessed Kids website (see links section)
6) buying a decent pair of walking shoes for walking around China in 100 degree+ heat
7) looking at Baby Jennifer Rose's photo a few hundred times
8) looking at the awesome fabric samples and notes that everyone has sent -- this has been the best part of waiting. In particular, the notes have been so wonderful and we are going to make a big scrapbook of them to give to Jennifer Rose when she's old enough to not eat it.

Aside from all of the above, life has been pretty much a blur and I don't have a lot of recollection as to what we have been up to. Speaking of not having a lot of recollection, I lost R's car keys. You may wonder how I did that. I honestly don't know. Last Sunday, after the dinner with our China travel group (see previous posting), I drove R to the airport for a work-related trip to Dallas and then came home and put her car in the garage. I didn't use her car again until she came home the following Wednesday. When she was ready to go to work on Thursday, she said: "can I have my car keys?" and I said: "um, I sort of, well....don't know where they are." I checked all of the usual places: the junk drawer; the key thingy on my dresser; next to the mail pile, etc. No sign of them. So either I put them in a really clever location that I haven't discovered yet, I threw them in the trash, or I accidently included them in the boxes of clothing that we donated to the National Children's Center last Tuesday. In any case, R is driving to work on the extra set of keys and I have the fun task of going back to the dealer this week to try to get another set of keys.

Ok - signing off now.

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