Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More Video from Nanchang

Ok - now Jim H has me hooked on uploading video to the blog. I hope this works. This one is of J Ro getting a bath. As you can see, she's very patient with her parents who are still figuring out what they are doing! We can just watch her all day (which is what we did all day today)!

One other comment I have about today's activities: never have I seen so many people talk about babies pooping for so long. It was a major topic of conversation today because as of this morning, none of the three babies had (pooped, that is). So it became the topic of conversation much of the day. I knew I had reached a new point in my life when Scott said, "dude - if the babies poop, we should go down to the bar and have a few beers." I am totally serious.

J Ro -- being very, very stong-willed -- decided to wait all day and then put on a little performance for me, R, Etu, Gene, and Anli where we were all trying different things to get her to poop. Anli said the Chinese often use honey water, so she got some honey from the hotel restaurant and we put it in her bottle with some water. She hated it. Then R tried walking around with her. Then we tried giving her a bath. Then we tried rubbing her tummy. It was quite the performance. She finally went! By then, the audience had all left. So I changed my first nasty diaper. And R just put her in the crib where she is happily sleeping. R just went down to the hotel restaurant to grab something to eat. She is totally exhausted because J Ro has been fussy for a good part of the day on account of the poop issue (or lack thereof).

One other activity today that was pretty funny: Anli took me, Scott, and Jim to the bank so we could exchange money. Why was this funny? Because the traffic is so incredibly dangerous and they have such complete disregard for pedestrians that the two block walk to the bank was like that "frogger" video game where you have to dodge the cars, buses, mopeds, bicycles, and other pedestrians. We were like little ducklings following Anli around. Wherever she went, we went. We got to the bank and we actually hi-fived each other. It was pretty funny. The trek home was just as scary. Anli told us that she had picked the most calm time to go to the bank -- that if we had waited another hour, traffic would have been really bad.

On a somewhat serious note, R and I both wanted to say thanks to everyone for all of the love and support as we have been on this journey (and before we even left for China). My dad has been e-mailing us the blog comments every day (since Blogger is blocked for us in China) and they just bring tears of happiness to our eyes. Thank you to everyone for the incredible words of love and support -- we know Jennifer Rose will love them as well. Also, we didn't have a chance to thank everyone individually for the incredible fabric squares and good wishes notes that people sent. They were so wonderful and we are having an artist put the quilt together in late August (so it's not too late to send us a fabric square if you haven't already done so). If anyone has questions on what to send, just e-mail us directly (rjfirschein@verizon.net).

Ok - I will sign off now. I'm just happy to have that big poop drama over. We'll see what tomorrow will bring. Hopefully, J Ro will be feeling better. We have another day of relaxation while Anli is waiting for the documents to be finalized. That's fine with me. Hopefully, Scott and I can get that beer tomorrow. And Jennifer will give her mommy a break.



Anonymous said...

the videos are GREAT!!!!! hannah keeps pointing at them saying "hi" and waving to baby jennifer.
keep them coming

michelle, andrew and hannah

Anonymous said...

She's absolutely beautiful. I can't wait for Mikayla to see her on the video. Rachel, you were doing a great job there in the bathtub. They are wiggler that's for sure! All our love to you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
Barbara, John and Mikayla Wolf

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about lack of poop, as I recall I was trying to stop it with Dan. Got to a point where I bought old used diapers from diaper service, cut them in half, used only a half at a time and threw them away. My First form of disposible diapers. First used when Dan was a baby, while camping at lake George. Left the out house quite full. Ah memories! Does she eat sold food, & does she have any teeth? Aunt Ev

Anonymous said...

Wendy and I have been tracking the blog almost every day and I love the videos! I had checked out all the ones on Jim's site yesterday and wished they had been longer clips! I also want to commend you, Joseph for your honest reporting. Whereas others would have been embarassed to admit you didn't know a swizzle stick from the mini bar doesn't substitute for a spoon, you were up front about it. I have to admit that I have laughed more than once while reading your reports. Love to Rachel and Jennifer. She seems like such a sweet baby.

Love, Danielle

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel & Joseph, AND Jennifer! I had lunch today with Michelle & Andrew, and I asked hopefully whether or not you were in China yet. I was THRILLED to hear that you were, and they gave me your blog address.
Congratulations - I'm so happy that at long last you're in China. Sounds like you're having a terrific trip - tell the H's & S's I say hello, too. Jennifer is beautiful!

Colleen McLain

Morna said...

I think I'm glad you decided not to videotape the poop breakthrough -- shows that you have a fine understanding of boundaries. You know I've loved the blog all along, but I love it even more now -- it's like watching a really good soap opera or something -- every day I log on for a new installment in the adventures of the Firschein family, and I'm never disappointed -- J Ro is always adorable, you guys are always in love with her, and something's always going on. I especially appreciate you timing the real action for a Congressional recess.

Holly and Michael said...

My favorite part of the bath is when Rachel says, "Mommy's got you". Jennifer is absolutely adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to see more of your adventures. Love, Holly

Katy said...

The slip on the video was precious and I want to second Morna's gratitude that you didn't film the poop production. What a good natured little girl that you could convince her not to cry about her bump. She seems very comfortable with you already. What a beautiful addition to your family!

Anonymous said...

Awwww! She's so cute!! Love hearing you laughing in the background Joseph! We can't wait to be parents, too! Debbie & Joe

Katy said...

Watching the bath video again, I just thought of a parenting tip that I'll pass on to you. When you get home, I'd suggest supplementing bath time with some "shower time". Hopefully they still sell baby-sized sponges (my babies are 20 and 22, as you know). We used to lay our kids down on the sponge in the tub and then use a shower extender (same principal as those kitchen spray hoses, but attaches to your tub) to spray them down. I'm convinced this is what made the difference later when we used the showers at the "Y" before/after swimming lessons. The other children were all terrified and hated their showers, mine were calm as cucumbers.